And the winner is....

Best in show:

"The Boy Who'd Never Seen Rain" Directed by Kim Ramsey


Best Directing

"L'umanità Scalza (The Barefoot Humanity)" by Americo Melchionda


Best Acting

"Timing" by John DesRoches


Best Editing

"Hold Out" by Sam Wilkins


Honorable Mentions:

Look Up

Hold Out

The Future

Prudence Pecker



Screenplay competition:

"Hobo Force" By Jack Gattenella


I'd like to say that this year the most recieved comment from audience members was that the films were all really just great. Choosing awards are always difficult when there are so many good films with close scores, but in the end a line has to be drawn, because it is a competition after all. But i would like to stress that just because a film isn't on this awards list, doesn't mean it was not a good film, far from it; it is a well deserved Official Selection.

The official selections of 2012

Block 1 - Saturday/25th 3:30PM to 5:30PM

The Writer (8:20min)
FTW (5min)
Timing (6:50min)
Theo (29min)
Prudence Pecker(14:53min)
The Mortar Between Bricks(12:28)
A Dance With Andrea(28:32min)

Total block runtime: 106 minutes


Block 2 - Saturday/25th 6:00PM to 8:00PM

Baptism By Fire (8min)
Out Of Control (2:53min)
Uncover The World(1:53min)
Remake (7min)
Roses (7:25min)
Before We Forget(54min)

Total block runtime: 103 minutes

Block 3 - Saturday/25th 8:30PM to 10:30PM

Deja Vu (5:26min)
Look Up(4:43min)
El Caffinato (12:10min)
My Heart Belongs To You (3:37min)
The Barefoot Humanity (19min)
Caught (19min)
The Boy Who'd Never Seen Rain (29min)

Total block runtime: 90 minutes


Block 4 - Sunday/26th - 3:30PM to 5:30PM

White Blossoms (4min)
Last Game (17min)
Reprieve (15min)
The Last Promise (15:51min)
Ave Maria (7:17min)
The Last One(2:03min)
Rough Draft (51min)

Total block runtime: 111 minutes


Block 5 - Sunday/26th 6:00PM to 8:00PM

Date With Fate (3:57min)
Curiosity Kills (13:35min)
Are You Science? (6:43min)
As Dark As Night(9:43min)
Flutter (6:36min)
The Walk(12min)
The Future (7:54min)
Goose Family (29:57min)

Total block runtime: 90 minutes


Block 6 - Sunday/26th 8:30PM to 10:30PM

Camille & Myself (25min)
Junior & The Saint (15min)
Hold Out (15min)
Henry Dobbs (12:12min)
Vacationland (22min)
Hollywood tale(19min)

Total block runtime: 108 minutes


Congratulations to the accepted entrants


Festival Director
D. Levine